Graduate Student

Check My Assignment

Are you unsure about the quality of your assignment? Let me help! I offer a thorough manual check of your essay, report, or research paper, providing detailed feedback on areas for improvement. With my help, you’ll receive an accurate assignment of your work and clear guidance on how to enhance your grade. Don’t hesitate to submit your assignment now!

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What's Great About Check My Assignment?

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100% Quality Assurance

A blessed service for both students and teachers

Check My Assignment

Nowadays, we can see the fear of assignments among school and university students. Fear of getting low marks or fear of getting failed. Along with students, assignment checking is stressful work for teachers as well. It also affects their health both mentally and physically. Check My Assignment provides you with a service where you get to know about your assessment scores and how to improve them to score well.

Tell My Grade is one of the best places in the world to check the quality of assignments before submission. We help you by giving you your assessment marks and feedback on how to improve them for good grades. If you want to know your assignment scores before submission, then Check My Assignment is the only website that helps you with it. This is the first website in the world that helps school and University students.

Who Will Be Checking My Assignment At Tell My Grade?

Hey, how’s it going? So, you’ve got an assignment that needs a bit of polish? No sweat, that’s where Tell My Grade comes in. Our team is made up of experts in all sorts of subjects, so they know their stuff. They’ll take a look at your work and make sure it’s top-notch, fixing any little errors along the way. And hey, if they spot something that could use a bit of improvement, they’ll give you some tips to make it even better. So, sit back, relax, and let help you get that A+!

Why should I use Check My Assessment?

The service proffered herein stands as a pinnacle of quality assurance for academic tasks. The ubiquitous prevalence and consequential significance of assignment verification tools have garnered profound recognition, impacting the pedagogical and scholarly spheres alike. Its utility extends to a myriad of applications, be it assignments or research documentation.

The Check My Assessment service facilitates a pre-submission elucidation of scores, complemented by erudite evaluations to fortify academic acumen. Furthermore, its ameliorative effects on test-related apprehensions are noteworthy. For educators, this virtual milieu serves as an invaluable temporal asset for the adjudication of scholarly submissions.

check my assignment
  • User-Friendly Interface: Highlight the ease of use of the service, mentioning the intuitive interface that makes it simple for users to navigate and utilize.
  • Customization Options: Mention any features that allow users to customize the checking process to suit their specific needs, such as selecting the areas of focus for feedback.
  • Compatibility: If applicable, mention any compatibility with different file formats or devices, ensuring convenience for users.
  • Data Security: Assure users of the service’s commitment to data security and privacy, emphasizing measures taken to protect user information.
  • Customer Support: Highlight the availability of customer support, ensuring users that help is readily accessible should they encounter any issues or have questions.
  • Value for Money: If the service is paid, emphasize its value proposition, highlighting how it offers a cost-effective solution compared to traditional methods of assignment checking.
  • Integration with Learning Management Systems: If relevant, mention any integration capabilities with popular learning management systems, making it easier for educators to incorporate the service into their workflow.

Which subjects does Tell My Grade offer for assignment checks?

Our service offers comprehensive universities assignments checking for students worldwide. Whether you’re studying at the University of Melbourne, Gothenburg University, or the University of Montreal, we cater to all colleges and universities. You can review your assignment grades across various subjects, ensuring accuracy and excellence in your academic work.


Analyzing economic theories and their real-world applications.


Understanding legal principles and their implications.

Business Management

Leading organisations towards success.


Studying human society and social behavior.

Accounts & Finance

Managing financial data and making informed decisions.


Promoting products and services to target audiences.


Providing compassionate care and medical expertise.


Analysing data to make informed decisions.

Public Health

Promoting health and preventing diseases in communities.

Why should I use Check My Assessment?

Certainly! The “Check My Assignment” service at Tell My Grade is designed to help individuals from a wide range of professions and academic backgrounds. For students, this service offers valuable support in reviewing and improving their assignments, essays, dissertations, and other academic work.

It can help them ensure that their writing is clear, concise, and well-structured, ultimately leading to better grades and academic success. Professionals, including those in business, research, and academia, can also benefit from this service. It can assist them in refining their reports, presentations, proposals, and other professional documents, ensuring that they are of the highest quality and meet the necessary standards. Overall, the “Check My Assignment” service is ideal for anyone who wants to enhance their writing skills, receive expert feedback, and ensure that their work is polished and professional.

The user of Check My Assignment is not limited to a specific group of people. Anyone can use this service to check their work quality. Some of the top users of this website are:


Students everywhere are swamped with assignments. They put in the hard yards, but the fear of losing marks is always there. Check My Assignment has been around for ages, checking the quality of assignments. It's a one-stop shop where you can check your assignment grades before submitting and get tips on making them top-notch. Our services have really helped students, boosting their marks by as much as 50%.

Teachers and Professors

The assessment of assignments is often arduous, demanding both time and effort. Check My Assignment stands as a beacon of support for educators, delivering meticulous and gratifying outcomes, thus alleviating the burden of assignment evaluation.

How can I connect with an expert to check my assignment?

To connect with an expert at to check your assignment, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the website.
  • Look for a section or button that says something like “Get Your Assignment Checked” or “Connect with an Expert.”
  • Click on that section or button to access the assignment checking service.
  • You may be prompted to create an account or log in if you haven’t already.
  • Once you’re logged in, you can upload your assignment and provide any specific instructions or requirements.
  • Choose the type of service you need, such as proofreading, editing, or feedback.
  • Proceed to the payment section and complete the payment process.
  • After payment, your assignment will be assigned to an expert who will check it according to your selected service.
  • You will receive the checked assignment within the specified timeframe, along with any feedback or suggestions for improvement.

If you encounter any difficulties or need further assistance, you can contact customer support for help.

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