Graduate Student

Tell My Grade

Ensure you understand your grades before submitting your work, and use feedback to make necessary improvements.

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Ace Your Assignments with Tell My Grade

Hey there, if you’re a student stressing about your assignments, we’ve got your back! Check out Tell My Grade, the coolest service for college and university students. We offer everything from assignment-checking to plagiarism checking, grammar checking, and reference checking. It’s like having a personal assignment superhero! Teachers love us too because we save them tons of time.

With Check My Assignment, you can easily check your assignment grade, fix grammar errors, and improve your work with feedback from our experienced experts. Plus, it’s all at an affordable price! Join the thousands of students and teachers we’ve helped worldwide!

Which subjects does Tell My Grade offer for assignment checks?

Our service offers comprehensive assignment checking for students worldwide. Whether you’re studying at the University of Melbourne, Gothenburg University, or the University of Montreal, we cater to all colleges and universities. You can review your assignment grades across various subjects, ensuring accuracy and excellence in your academic Writing work.


Analyzing economic theories and their real-world applications.


Understanding legal principles and their implications.

Business Management

Leading organisations towards success.


Studying human society and social behavior.

Accounts & Finance

Managing financial data and making informed decisions.


Promoting products and services to target audiences.


Providing compassionate care and medical expertise.


Analysing data to make informed decisions.

Public Health

Promoting health and preventing diseases in communities.

What are the perks of using Check My Assignment service?

Enjoy unlimited perks on our website, Check My Assignment, without worrying about your assignment scores. Benefit from our grammar and language mistake correction, detailed explanations for each mistake, and precise corrections.

Join us now and experience a hassle-free assignment-checking process!

  • Accurate results at an Affordable price.
  • Time – saving service.
  • Guaranteed best price.
  • Delivering results in 24 hours.
  • Available for both school and university students all over the world.
  • Feedback to improve your assessment grades.

Who can use the services of Tell My Grade?

Anyone can use Tell My Score, no matter who you are! We’ve got users from all over the world loving our service.

School and University students

Lots of students in schools and universities worry about their grades, especially with assignments. We’ve got a service that can help. You can check your assignment grades before handing them in and even improve them with our professionals’ feedback.

Our service has helped tons of students reduce their test-taking stress. Tell My Marks is the go-to for students looking to boost their grades.


Just like students checking assignments is frustrating and tiring work. They need a solution too for assignment checking. Tell My Grade has been proven to be the best solution for teachers’ assignment-checking work.

Our services have been helping teachers to save their 4 hours per week across the world. We make sure to provide the best assignment-checking services to teachers.

A full package of Assignment checking services under one roof!

We offer a wide range of assignment-checking services
Are you tired of worrying about your assignments? Save time and alleviate your fears with Tell My Grade’s all-in-one services!

Which additional services you will get at Check My Assignment?

What additional services can you expect from Check My Assignment? We correct and highlight all grammar and language mistakes, providing detailed explanations for each. We also offer text re-writing with corrections.

Get ready to eliminate your assignment fear and save your time with the Tell My Grade services. You are getting everything from assignment checking service to similarity checking service under one roof. Now, what are you waiting for?

Following are the additional services of this website:

Why Check My Assignment is the Best Place to Get Your Work Checked!

You won’t find any other website in Australia or the UK that offers an assignment-checking service like ours. We’ve got an assignment checker that’s top-notch and doesn’t break the bank.

It works for all kinds of assignments, from regular ones to research papers and case studies, no matter where you are in the world. Our experts’ feedback will help you boost your grades.

Grade All Subjects

Get the best Assignment Checking Service

Tell My Grade can handle different types of assignments, like long ones with problems and projects, and shorter ones with worksheets, quizzes, and exams.

Try our services today and make your stress-day a good-day.

Searching for how to reach out to our experienced professors for assignment checking?

It is so easy, you have to just fill out the form provided on our website. If it seems a bit complex to you then you can also chat to reach out to our experts with the chat option available at our website. Or you can just click the button below and check your assignment score now!!
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